










(1) 考生应按要求备妥软硬件条件和网络环境,提前安装指定软件配合软件测试。按规定时间启动指定软件或登录指定网络平台参加网络远程考核。

(2) 考核期间不允许采用任何方式变声、更改人像。

(3) 考生应选择独立安静房间独自参加网络远程考核。整个考核期间,房间必须保持安静明亮,房间内不得有其他人,也不允许出现其他声音。不得由他人替考,也不得接受他人或机构以任何方式助考。考核期间视频背景必须是真实环境,不允许使用虚拟背景、更换视频背景。

(4) 考生音频视频必须全程开启,全程正面免冠朝向摄像头,保证头肩部及双手出现在视频画面正中间。不得佩戴口罩保证面部清晰可见,头发不可遮挡耳朵,不得戴耳饰。

(5) 考核全程考生应保持注视摄像头,视线不得离开。

(6) 考核期间如发生设备或网络故障,应主动采用院系规定的方式与招生院系沟通。

regulations for comprehensive assessment exam 

of tsinghua university graduate admissions

1. the examinee is requested to consciously adhere to and strictly follow all instructions provided by the examination staff regarding entering and exiting the examination room. it is important not to use any excuses that may disrupt the smooth conduct of duties or disturb order in the examination room.

2. the examinee must participate in the comprehensive assessment with valid identification documents (international students should provide their passports when applying) and actively cooperate with identity verification and other relevant checks.

3. the examinee is not allowed to consult any materials during the assessment period, unless there are special regulations in the department or school which shall take precedence.

4. recording any video or audio related to the assessment is prohibited for examinees during the assessment period.

5. examinee are prohibited from disclosing or disseminating any information about exam question content before completing program's comprehensive assessment.

6. candidates participating in the comprehensive assessment through online remote interviews are requested to adhere to the above regulations, along with the following examination room guidelines:

(1) prepare software, hardware, and network environment as required, install designated software in advance with software testing, and log in to the designated platform at the specified time to participate in remote network assessment.

(2) during the assessment period, candidates are prohibited from altering their voice or appearance.

(3) choose a quiet independent room for participating alone in the remote network assessment. the room must remain quiet and well-lit throughout the assessment period without any other individuals or sounds present. no one can take the exam on your behalf, and you cannot receive any assistance from others or institutions in any form. a real environment is required as video background; virtual backgrounds or changing video backgrounds are not allowed.

(4) keep audio and video turned on at all times during assessments while facing the camera directly with head, shoulders, and hands appearing centrally within the video frame. wearing masks is not permitted clear visibility of your face; hair should not cover ears; earrings are prohibited as well.

(5) maintain continuous eye contact with the camera throughout the entire assessment period without diverting gaze elsewhere.

(6) in case of equipment or network failure during assessments, candidates should proactively communicate with admissions department using department-specified methods.



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